Welcome Everyone to Day 1 of the 12th Annual Zayed University Middle East Film Festival.
We are excited to welcome you back to this annual event and to share with you some of the best student produced films from around the world. ZUMEFF 2022 again attracted an international audience and we received over 1,300 film submissions from 99 different countries.
Over the course of the next 3 days we have an exciting array of films lined up for your viewing pleasure.
The caliber and intensity of the competition that resulted from the outstanding film submissions received this year made the final selection process extremely difficult for our 2022 ZUMEFF judges.
Today we are pleased to show you a selection of films, which were ranked among the top films within their category.
Although these are not direct award recipients, when you consider the number of film submissions, to be ranked within the top of their category is an amazing achievement! Well done to each of the filmmakers whose films will be shown today.
You will be able to view each film by clicking on the links below.
In the segment above we would like to introduce you to our film festival student emcees, Fatima Mohammed Alsheebani, Nada Mohammed Alsaeed, Salama Adnan Almansoori and Shahd Waleed Albreiki as well as hearing from the Dean of the College of Communication and Media Sciences, Dr. Dwight E. Brooks.
So, sit back, grab the popcorn and let us bring the world together through film. Oh, and don’t forget to click on the fullscreen toggle in the Vimeo player to see the films at their best!